cam tajuk karangan dak darjah 5 plak kan.. cuma ni versi dewasa la.. aku juz nak share ape cita2 aku sejak kecik sampai sekarang.. yang sentiasa berubah2 ikut peredaran masa.. time kecik2, aku tak pernah pikir pun nak jadi ape, bila cikgu tanya ape cita2 aku, aku jawab nak jadi dokte, nak jadi cikgu (jawapan standard).
aku ni xla belaja pandai sangat, so konfem la xleh jadi dokte kan.. so mak aku kata jadi la cikgu, senang nanti cikgu balik tengahari je, orang nak jaga anak kamu pun senang (kata2 mak aku).. n kebetulan plak time tu memang jurusan pendidikan ni hot la, sebab keje tersedia, konfem dapat keje.. susah giler nak masuk kos pendidikan.. oleh kerana aku tak tau nak pilih bidang ape, aku ikut je kata2 lecturer matrix aku dlu, amik sains sukan cam dia.. padahal aku nie takde la bersukan pon? minat pun x seberapa..tapi boleh plak lulus interview n menghabiskan 4 tahun degree pendidikan (sains sukan)..
selama 4 tahun tu, minat pada sains sukan tu timbul la gak kan.. pas degree je aku trus sambung master dalam sains sukan. ramai yang pelik nape aku tak apply jadi cikgu? bukan ke cita2 aku dulu ialah menjadi seorang guru? jawapannya ialah manusia sentiasa berubah.. time skolah dulu aku ingat jadi cikgu ni bes giler dah.. tapi bila dah time degree aku rasa jadi lecturer lagi bes kot? so tu yang sambung master.. lagipun ini juga sebagai memenuhi kehendak parent aku yang nak sangat at least sorang anak dia sambung master..
bila dah sambung master ni, baru aku sedar yang jadi lecturer ni pun tak la bes mana, keje perah otak tu.. memang la gaji agak masyuk kan, tapi kadang2 aku cam penat berfikir, otak cam jammed sket.. kadang2 aku terpikir, boleh tak aku wat satu keje yang tak memeningkan kepala otak aku, tapi at the same time aku dapat duit cam gaji lecturer tiap2 bulan..
aku taknak wat MLM atau ape2 je yang sewaktu dengannya.. aku tak suka.. walaupun abah aku cuma mempengaruhi aku untuk join ads4bucks dia tapi aku tetap tak mau.. hahaha..
tapi bila aku start join wat part time untuk team photography time konvokesyen ni, baru aku sedar yang rupa2nya aku ade passion dalam bidang fotografi ni n aku tau bidang ni memang ade potensi yang sangat besar. tapi kenapa baru sekarang aku sedar sume ni ek? aku cam rasa seronok dapat belajar suatu skill yang baru, belajar benda yang tak wat aku boring..
kadang2 ada gak terpikir cam nak lompat bidang, bukan aku tak suka bidang aku sekarang, aku suka, cuma passion tu kurang sket.. aku pun tak pasti sejak bila aku minat ngan bidang design n photography ni, tapi ape yang aku tau aku tak boring wat benda ni, n aku tak kisah spend time lama2 wat benda yang aku suka..
Monday, May 31, 2010
Keputusan Peperiksaan Memasuki Perkhidmatan Awam Gred 41
erm hari ni baru kuar result peksa perkhidmatan awam gred 41.. pagi2 lagi aku gi check tapi tak kuar lagi, tengahari aku check pun lum lagi.. isk akhirnya kul 6 petang aku check baru kuar.. dari 4 position aku apply cuma 1 je lulus iaitu pegawai siasatan, yang lagi 3 sume gagal,uhuk..
takpela, better one than nothing kan, so aku tengah terpikir2 ni ape agaknye yang bakal ditanya time interview nanti? layak ke aku ni nak jadi pegawai siasatan? ermmm...
takpela, better one than nothing kan, so aku tengah terpikir2 ni ape agaknye yang bakal ditanya time interview nanti? layak ke aku ni nak jadi pegawai siasatan? ermmm...
Monday, May 17, 2010
menghadapi jantan2 miang
cam siut je tajuk post kali ni kan.. tapi ni la hakikatnye..time aku tengah tulis post utk blog aku yg satu lagi.. aku chat la ngan dua org mamat nih.. sorang ni ok, cm bersopan santun la gak.. tapi mamat lagi sorang ni memang wat aku hangin satu badan!!
gatal nak mampus, ape dia ingat aku ni slut ke,huhuhu..
mula2 chat tu ok la lagi.. dia tanya nama sape, duk mana, blaja mn ade bf ke x..pastu tanya suke perfume ape.. pastu tanya ader webcam ke tak.. aku jawab ade tapi takmau bukak.. (aku tgh muke sememeh ngan baju kelawar ni, takkan nak webcam kut?).
tu kre takpe la lagi.. pastu boleh plak mamat ni cakap " i stim la u". aku dah bengang time tu, aku smash dia balik, aku cakap "ello, sy x layan benda2 cmni k". pastu dia mintak no fon aku plak.. aku tak bagi, pastu dia bg no fon dia, jgn harapla aku nak amik!!
pastu dia tnyala aku makan ape n aku jawab la roti telur.. bese la jantan kalo dah otak lucah kan, aku dah tak sanggup nak cerita kat sini, aku rasa korang pun tau ape akan dia cakap pastu kan..pastu aku marah la dia, aku cakap kalo dia start lagi cakap benda2 bukan2 camtu aku nak block dia.. pastu dia cakap suruh aku stay kat masjid plak.. pergh memang takde bakat utk dijadikan suami langsung jantan nih.
last2 aku cakap "ok fine!! awak cari jela ppn yang bleh layan STIM awk tu!
aku salah ke dia yang tak patut??
gatal nak mampus, ape dia ingat aku ni slut ke,huhuhu..
mula2 chat tu ok la lagi.. dia tanya nama sape, duk mana, blaja mn ade bf ke x..pastu tanya suke perfume ape.. pastu tanya ader webcam ke tak.. aku jawab ade tapi takmau bukak.. (aku tgh muke sememeh ngan baju kelawar ni, takkan nak webcam kut?).
tu kre takpe la lagi.. pastu boleh plak mamat ni cakap " i stim la u". aku dah bengang time tu, aku smash dia balik, aku cakap "ello, sy x layan benda2 cmni k". pastu dia mintak no fon aku plak.. aku tak bagi, pastu dia bg no fon dia, jgn harapla aku nak amik!!
pastu dia tnyala aku makan ape n aku jawab la roti telur.. bese la jantan kalo dah otak lucah kan, aku dah tak sanggup nak cerita kat sini, aku rasa korang pun tau ape akan dia cakap pastu kan..pastu aku marah la dia, aku cakap kalo dia start lagi cakap benda2 bukan2 camtu aku nak block dia.. pastu dia cakap suruh aku stay kat masjid plak.. pergh memang takde bakat utk dijadikan suami langsung jantan nih.
last2 aku cakap "ok fine!! awak cari jela ppn yang bleh layan STIM awk tu!
aku salah ke dia yang tak patut??
Sunday, May 16, 2010
keputusan peperiksaan gred 41
esok keputusan peperiksaan gred 41 akan diumumkan, takotnye!!! tak tau la aku akan lulus ke tak peksa ni, kalo tak lulus nampak sangat pengetahuan am aku sangat teruk.. yela mana tak teruknya, sampaikan soalan world cup tahun 2010 akan diadakan kat mana pun aku tak reti jawab, terpaksa tengok jawapan budak sebelah (budak lelaki, mesti dia tau kan). aku jawab afrika selatan, betul la kan,hahaha..
esok kalau aku bangun awal boleh la check result jap sebelum gi keje, tu pun kalo line tak busy, dah la line internet aku tengah slow sebab dah exceed volume quota. malam ni doa la banyak2 semoga aku lulus, teringin rasanya nak bergelar PTD atau pegawai siasatan SPRM,hik2..
esok kalau aku bangun awal boleh la check result jap sebelum gi keje, tu pun kalo line tak busy, dah la line internet aku tengah slow sebab dah exceed volume quota. malam ni doa la banyak2 semoga aku lulus, teringin rasanya nak bergelar PTD atau pegawai siasatan SPRM,hik2..
Saturday, May 15, 2010
365 hari mencari cinta
ok hari ni saja gatal2 wat blog baru yg btajuk spt di atas, kunun2 nye nk mencari cinta la kan dalam masa 365 hari bermula hari ni.. agak2 boleh tercapai tak misi ni? hahaha..
tak salah kan? coz i'm still single and available.. (pergh promote status abes) and sukati aku la nak berkenalan ngan sesape pun, ahaks! kadang-kadang aku terpikir gak adakah aku terlalu desperate perlu kawen pd usia 25? rasanye tak pun (walaupun dh agak tertekan bila td ade 2 org tnya bila nak kawen.. tny soalan lain x bleh ke?)
tapi bila dipikirkan balik ok je idup single ni, aku xpayah pikir nak balik cpt2 sbb lum masak utk family, tak kisah nak keje overtime sbb takde anak nk diambik kat taska.. cuma agak boring tahap gaban la kan.. gi mana2 pun sorang2 je, kawan2 bkn takde tp diorang perlu dating gak,haha..
so ape yang aku dapat simpulkan ialah belum tiba masanye lagi.. tak guna kawin kalo tau akan bercerai nanti.. sedangkan awek comey cam nora danish n maya karin pun bercerai,isk2 comey cmtu pun kena cerai ape lg yang kurang comey cam aku ni? kadang2 ade org cakap xpayahla memilih sgt, terima je sesapa yg agak ok tuh..
tapi...sedangkan ikan di pasar pun kita pilih makcik.. takkan pasangan hidup main sambar gitu je??? aduhaii..
so kalo nak tau kisah selanjutnye pencarian aku selama 365 hari ni, follow ar blog ak yang lagi satu nih..
tak salah kan? coz i'm still single and available.. (pergh promote status abes) and sukati aku la nak berkenalan ngan sesape pun, ahaks! kadang-kadang aku terpikir gak adakah aku terlalu desperate perlu kawen pd usia 25? rasanye tak pun (walaupun dh agak tertekan bila td ade 2 org tnya bila nak kawen.. tny soalan lain x bleh ke?)
tapi bila dipikirkan balik ok je idup single ni, aku xpayah pikir nak balik cpt2 sbb lum masak utk family, tak kisah nak keje overtime sbb takde anak nk diambik kat taska.. cuma agak boring tahap gaban la kan.. gi mana2 pun sorang2 je, kawan2 bkn takde tp diorang perlu dating gak,haha..
so ape yang aku dapat simpulkan ialah belum tiba masanye lagi.. tak guna kawin kalo tau akan bercerai nanti.. sedangkan awek comey cam nora danish n maya karin pun bercerai,isk2 comey cmtu pun kena cerai ape lg yang kurang comey cam aku ni? kadang2 ade org cakap xpayahla memilih sgt, terima je sesapa yg agak ok tuh..
tapi...sedangkan ikan di pasar pun kita pilih makcik.. takkan pasangan hidup main sambar gitu je??? aduhaii..
so kalo nak tau kisah selanjutnye pencarian aku selama 365 hari ni, follow ar blog ak yang lagi satu nih..
Friday, May 14, 2010
why i dont like watching movie on my first date
i really dont get it why some man like to ask a girl watching movie on a first date. it such a boring idea! last wednesday, one boy ask me dating with him, watching movie at IOI mall Puchong. at first, i dont want to. but then he keep asking and i say ok la, but how if we juz hang out or "makan2" je.. but he still want to watch movie.. (ok fine!)
then we met in front of GSC, he want to watch ironman 2 but i said no, it's late now and why dont we juz pick what-ever movie that start immediately? then i choose clash of titans and he also agree.. we went to the POPULAR besides the GSC bcoz the movie not started yet. then this guy pick up one magazine about motocycle and keep reading it.. i'm juz looking at him for a while and then go reading my favourite book. what a boring date!
ok the movie had started and we bought some popcorns and drinks and get inside. then we talking, knowing each other for 10 minutes. then, that's it. i'm focusing on the movie (actually focus on the handsome Perseus, haha) and he focusing on the popcorn. then the movie finished and we say goodbye each other.
ok, i admit i'm a silent gurl and do not talk much. asking me watching movie only keeping me more silence (we are not allowed to talk much during watching movie right, :p). especially if the hero is very cute or handsome, my concentration level on the movie will be higher, hik2..
so what actually i like to do on first date?? i don't know, it depends on my mood. but no movie plz..hehe
then we met in front of GSC, he want to watch ironman 2 but i said no, it's late now and why dont we juz pick what-ever movie that start immediately? then i choose clash of titans and he also agree.. we went to the POPULAR besides the GSC bcoz the movie not started yet. then this guy pick up one magazine about motocycle and keep reading it.. i'm juz looking at him for a while and then go reading my favourite book. what a boring date!
ok the movie had started and we bought some popcorns and drinks and get inside. then we talking, knowing each other for 10 minutes. then, that's it. i'm focusing on the movie (actually focus on the handsome Perseus, haha) and he focusing on the popcorn. then the movie finished and we say goodbye each other.
ok, i admit i'm a silent gurl and do not talk much. asking me watching movie only keeping me more silence (we are not allowed to talk much during watching movie right, :p). especially if the hero is very cute or handsome, my concentration level on the movie will be higher, hik2..
so what actually i like to do on first date?? i don't know, it depends on my mood. but no movie plz..hehe
accident day
Monday, May 3, 2010
interview day,huhu
today i got interview with UiTM Sports Centre for post Sports Officer S41.. looking at the schedule..
1. fitness test or bleep test
2. writing test.. again???
3. interview
bleep test.. juz got level 4-2, quite ok for general population, but not ok for athlete. i need to re-join my aerobic class again!!!i'm exhausted....
writing test...
1. write your greatest strength..
2. what qualities do u expect for a person in a team..
amende nye nih?? i'm so tired of my bleep test and now they expecting me to write two essays!!OMG..
i feel like my brain jammed, stuck, no idea at all.. physical + mental exhausted!
interview.. describe ur self...discuss about football development in Malaysia, i hate this topic!!
can i juz say there's no hope for Malaysian Footballers??cruel, hahaha..
i finish my interview day at 3.30pm, drive to puchong and found out the house is locked, so drive to my mum's kindergarten.. park the car..
4.30pm-find a comfort place and sleep..zzzzz
6.45pm - wake up, take bath and rushing to tuition centre..
8.00pm - don't know what to teach, so my students, it's quiz time!:p
10.30pm - at home, eat tomyam, yummy!!
11.15pm - facebook-ing
12.00am - feel really tired, but still facebook-ing, check my email, blogging...
1.00am - still chatting with MBA (married but available).. name: secret :p
1.30am - i should sleep.
1. fitness test or bleep test
2. writing test.. again???
3. interview
bleep test.. juz got level 4-2, quite ok for general population, but not ok for athlete. i need to re-join my aerobic class again!!!i'm exhausted....
writing test...
1. write your greatest strength..
2. what qualities do u expect for a person in a team..
amende nye nih?? i'm so tired of my bleep test and now they expecting me to write two essays!!OMG..
i feel like my brain jammed, stuck, no idea at all.. physical + mental exhausted!
interview.. describe ur self...discuss about football development in Malaysia, i hate this topic!!
can i juz say there's no hope for Malaysian Footballers??cruel, hahaha..
i finish my interview day at 3.30pm, drive to puchong and found out the house is locked, so drive to my mum's kindergarten.. park the car..
4.30pm-find a comfort place and sleep..zzzzz
6.45pm - wake up, take bath and rushing to tuition centre..
8.00pm - don't know what to teach, so my students, it's quiz time!:p
10.30pm - at home, eat tomyam, yummy!!
11.15pm - facebook-ing
12.00am - feel really tired, but still facebook-ing, check my email, blogging...
1.00am - still chatting with MBA (married but available).. name: secret :p
1.30am - i should sleep.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Manchester United and plain soup
erm this story is not about Manchester United, but drinks. Yesterday, along, angah and I went to one restaurant in Puchong Utama, nice decor and big and lot of people there. so i' assuming that the food also good. yes it is, certain food is nice but i'm bit upset about a drink named "Manchester United drink". the name is exciting but actually it is only a syrup and some cut fruits..sigh... this is the drink..
u want it?:p
that's the second time i went to that restaurant. 1st time i went there with my mum, father and erin. the food is ok, nice, taste good but what makes me laugh is when my father asked additional "sup kosong" or plain soup i guess. direct translation: empty soup,hehehe.. so this is the pic of that "sup kosong".
how? really 'plain@empty soup?'hahaha.. i thought this is 'handwash water'. so plain, empty with nothing inside even though a slice of onion, fried onion or mybe some 'grass' inside?:p
i want to rate this restaurant 5 stars, but because of these two things, i minus 2 stars,hik2..
i want to rate this restaurant 5 stars, but because of these two things, i minus 2 stars,hik2..
Manchester United,
plain soup,
Puchong Utama,
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