Monday, June 21, 2010

Hypotension/Low blood pressure

Baru2 ni aku jumpa doktor sebab aku selalu sangat pening kepala, pandangan aku rasa cam kabur (double vision) dan beberapa kali hampir pengsan/blank. kalau tiba2 berdiri/duduk pun tak boleh, berdiri lama sangat pun tak boleh..

So aku pun check la blood pressure (BP) ngan dokte..
February: 110/70 (normal)
Jun : 90/60 (low, tapi tak la tahap kronik)

so aku google la internet pasal hypotension ni..
secara ringkasnya, BP ni ialah tekanan darah pada dinding arteri yang mengepam darah ke jantung..sesetengah orang memang dia Low BP sepanjang masa, tp ade orang Low BP sebab keadaan tertentu.

1. orthostatic hypotension - kalau berasa pening/cam nak pitam semasa bangun nak berdiri dari keadaan duduk/baring. ataupun banyak kali mengubah kedudukan, cth: berdiri dan duduk berulang kali.

2. neurally mediated hypotension - berasa pening/pitam selepas berdiri lama. rasa pening/pengsan/sakit perut ataupun mengalami situasi yang cemas dan menakutkan.

3. severe hypotension linked to shock - 'shock' ni kalo kita tangok kamus maknanya terkejut kan. tapi dari segi medical term, maksudnye ialah satu keadaan yang boleh mengancam nyawa di mana tekanan darah menjadi terlalu rendah sehinggakan organ dalaman badan tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik kerana tidak mendapat bekalan darah yang mencukupi.
cth keadaan: kehilangan darah yang banyak, allergic reaction, infection, poisoning.

Apa punca Low BP?


1. Dehidrasi
2. Pengambilan ubat yang boleh menyebabkan low BP
3. Masalah pada sistem saraf. Cthnya: bila kita berdiri lama, darah akan lebih terkumpul pada bahagian bawah kaki. jadi tekanan darah akan rendah/menurun. tapi sistem saraf ni tersilap lalu memberi mesej pada otak yang tekanan darah adalah tinggi/naik. lalu otak akan memperlahankan kadar nadi yang akan menyebabkan tekanan darah makin menurun.

Apa yang perlu dilakukan?

Duduk atau baring sebentar sehingga semua simptom2 tersebut hilang.
Semasa baring, pastikan kedudukan kaki lebih tinggi dari jantung.
Elakkan menyilang kaki semasa duduk.
Bangun atau duduk dengan perlahan-lahan.
Minum banyak air.
Banyakkan makanan bergaram. ( tp jgn byk2 sgt nnt High BP plak)
kalo rasa cam nak pitam, duduk dan letakkan kepala antara lutut.
Elakkan keadaan yang cemas dan menakutkan.
Sentiasa membuat pemeriksaan BP

setakat ni dokte cuma bekalkan aku ngan ubat (aku tak tau ubat ape ni), tapi dia cakap kalau rasa pening/nak pitam/blank/ blurr vision, makan jela ubat ni. Low BP ni tak la membahayakan, tapi kalo dah rendah sgt tekanan darah tu memang boleh membahayakan nyawa..

Ramai orang cakap kena banyakkan makan kerang ngan makan hati, tapi dah banyak pun aku makan, lauk feveret tu, tp rasanya xde la ape2 perubahan pon..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

kereta manual vs kereta auto

rasanya dah setahun gak la aku dapat lesen P tu dan ini bermakna setahun gak la aku tak bawak kereta manual. bukan senang nak cari kereta manual kat area KL selangor ni sebenarnya, lenguh kaki sebab jammed yang melampau.

tapi baru2 ni abang aku mintak aku hantar dia ke klia n tolong bawakkan balik kereta dia sekali. aku ingatkan kereta auto, rupanya dia guna kereta satu lagi, manual plak tuh,huhu... oleh kerana dia cakap pun last minute, so aku pun terpaksala menjadi "driver terjun" jap walaupun dalam hati aku cam agak ragu2 lagi ngan kemampuan aku nak bawak kereta manual nie.. sedangkan tak bawak seminggu pun leh gelabah, ini kan pulak setahun?

time gi klia tu opkos la abang aku yang drive. disebabkan dia dah lambat giler n takut kapal terbang tu tinggalkan dia, boleh plak dia main parking je depan airport tu tanpa pesan apa2.. nasib baik la dia ingat gak nak bagi aku 50rgt wat isi minyak.. kalo tak memang aku tolak kereta dia KLIA-Puchong.

bila abang aku dah gelabah n berlari dengan pantasnya ke airport tuh, tinggallah aku ngan kereta dia tengah2 jalan tu. tak tau la kenapa time tu aku agak lembab n blurr sket + gelabah tengok polis tengah saman kereta depan aku.. time tu jugak la aku boleh lupa camne nak masuk gear. dekat 5 minit jugak la aku terkedu kejap dalam kereta tu. yang kelakarnya polis tu cam paham je keadaan aku time tu, dia cam saja lambat2 je saman kereta depan, kalo tak dah lama aku kena saman.

abes terkedu tu baru aku ingat balik camne nak bawak kereta manual tu. antara kesengalan yang telah aku lakukan semasa memandu:

1. dah masuk gear tapi lupa angkat clutch (memangla kete tak jalan)
2. enjin mati tengah jalan (2 kali)
3. bawak pada kelajuan 40km sejam (skema cam blaja memandu dulu)
4. setiap kali traffic light mesti berdoa agar lampu tak merah lagi.
5. sesat jalan sebab terlalu fokus pada gear
6. nak masuk signal tapi tertekan wiper (gelabah paling ketara)

tapi tu kesengalan pada 15 minit pertama je, lepas dah biasa je ngan kereta tu terus kelajuan bertukar ke 100km sejam, muahaha..

teringat plak time blaja memandu time dulu2.. macam2 cikgu aku jumpa.. cikgu memandu aku bukan seorang, dekat 5 orang.. macam2 ragam..

1st: paling tua + paling miang

kalo kat luar orang panggil pak haji, tapi... boleh plak kan dia mengusap2 paha aku time aku tengah bawak kereta. aku terkejut ar, kalo ikut hati aku bagi je pelempang sekeping. tapi berdasarkan logik akal dan keadaan sekeliling, aku terpaksa tepis dan diamkan je. dah la time tu tengah jalan kat kebun/hutan mana tah. aku takut gak kalo aku cuba melempang dia plak yang akan bertindak luar jangka nanti. ermm takot2... nasib baikla takde berlaku ape2 pastu n aku pun belajar separuh jalan je ngan dia..

2nd: cukup sihat + cukup tido

cikgu aku yang ni ok je, tapi disebabkan saiz dia yang oversize + saiz aku yang over gak, jadi korang pikir sendiri la keadaannya dalam kereta kancil yang comel tu. dah macam nak meletup kereta tu... haha... tapi dia memang sempoi sampai boleh plak dia tido time aku tengah bawak keta. agak2 la kan, aku tak dapat lesen lagi ni,hehehe..

3rd: garang + menakutkan

rupanya cikgu aku sorang ni bekas pengawal khas perdana menteri malaysia (PM mana aku tak ingat dah). so memang aku kena train ala2 askar la (padahal blaja keta je). misai dia je dah cukup menakutkan, haha

4th: muda + bujang

erm ni bukannye mengajar, tapi nak bercinta. tengok gaya cam nak ngorat aku je.. adeii... tapi nasib dia ok, takdela cuba wat adegan2 yang boleh membuatkan kasut aku masuk dalam mulut dia.

akhirnya aku lulus gak belajar memandu...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

smokers read diz!!!

Tiba-tiba hari nie rasa macam nak bercerita pasal rokok pulak.. oleh kerana aku tak pernah merokok, tak pernah pun teringin nak merokok so aku pun juz surf any info dalam internet yang mungkin berguna buat kita semua.

Bahan utama dalam rokok ini adalah tembakau (cakap cam mengajar budak 5 tahun pulak kan), tembakau tu rasanya banyak kat negeri Kelantan kut? Nak tanam tembakau ni pun banyak bahan kimia yang digunakan. Bila tembakau ni dah dipetik, daun dia akan dikeringkan , diproses dan beberapa bahan kimia lain dimasukkan bagi membolehkan rokok terus menyala.

Lebih kurang 4000 bahan kimia ada dalam sebatang rokok nie. Tak larat la nak list semua kan jadi aku focus pada beberapa bahan kimia yang utama je ok.

CARCINOGENIC - Fungsi utamanya ialah menyebabkan KANSER! Biasanya kanser peparu, perut, larinks dsb.


CARBON MONOXIDE – kat ekzos keta korang
NICOTINE – bug sprays
TAR – yang kat jalan raya tue
ARSENIC – racun tikus
AMMONIA – cleaning product
CYANIDE – racun
ACETONE – nail polish remover (ape BM nye ak xtau)
BUTANE – cecair dalam lighter tu
FORMALDEHYDE – bahan yang digunakan untuk simpan mayat?
SULFURIC ACID – bateri keta
CADMIUM – utk cas bateri
FREON – bahan perosak lapisan ozon
MALTITOL – pemanis makanan yang diharamkan di US

Bila korang hisap rokok, carbon monoxide dalam rokok tu akan masuk ke saluran darah dan mengurangkan amaun oksigen yang akan pergi ke jantung. Bahan kimi lain yang ada dalam rokok tu pulak akan membantu menyempitkan saluran darah (arteri) tu. Bila saluran darah dah sempit, kurang oksigen pulak tu, jantung korang terpaksa bekerja keras untuk membawa darah tu, jadi blood pressure korang akan terus naik (check blood pressure tak ni?).

Bila jantung tak terima cukup oksigen, jantung tu akan berhenti berfungsi dan (perlu ke aku cakap ape lagi yang akan jadi pastu)...

Cakap banyak pun tak guna kan, sebab semua perokok tau ape akibat merokok.. tapi masalahnye korang tak boleh nak berhenti sebab? ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES... kalo korang isap rokok lebih 5 batang sehari, korang dikira ADDICTED.

Perokok akan jadi addicted sebab bahan nikotin yang terdapat dalam rokok tu. Nikotin ni sejenis bahan perangsang (stimulant). Nikotin ni akan meningkatkan kadar nadi dan tekanan darah so sebab tu la korang akan rasa cam segar dan bertenaga semula kalo dapat rokok ni... jadi bila korang slow2 berhenti merokok korang akan mula rasa cam nak marah, kurang sabar dan gemuruh.

Banyak lagi nak citer pasal rokok ni.. tunggu la kalo aku rajin aku tulis lagi..huk2

Monday, May 31, 2010


cam tajuk karangan dak darjah 5 plak kan.. cuma ni versi dewasa la.. aku juz nak share ape cita2 aku sejak kecik sampai sekarang.. yang sentiasa berubah2 ikut peredaran masa.. time kecik2, aku tak pernah pikir pun nak jadi ape, bila cikgu tanya ape cita2 aku, aku jawab nak jadi dokte, nak jadi cikgu (jawapan standard).

aku ni xla belaja pandai sangat, so konfem la xleh jadi dokte kan.. so mak aku kata jadi la cikgu, senang nanti cikgu balik tengahari je, orang nak jaga anak kamu pun senang (kata2 mak aku).. n kebetulan plak time tu memang jurusan pendidikan ni hot la, sebab keje tersedia, konfem dapat keje.. susah giler nak masuk kos pendidikan.. oleh kerana aku tak tau nak pilih bidang ape, aku ikut je kata2 lecturer matrix aku dlu, amik sains sukan cam dia.. padahal aku nie takde la bersukan pon? minat pun x seberapa..tapi boleh plak lulus interview n menghabiskan 4 tahun degree pendidikan (sains sukan)..

selama 4 tahun tu, minat pada sains sukan tu timbul la gak kan.. pas degree je aku trus sambung master dalam sains sukan. ramai yang pelik nape aku tak apply jadi cikgu? bukan ke cita2 aku dulu ialah menjadi seorang guru? jawapannya ialah manusia sentiasa berubah.. time skolah dulu aku ingat jadi cikgu ni bes giler dah.. tapi bila dah time degree aku rasa jadi lecturer lagi bes kot? so tu yang sambung master.. lagipun ini juga sebagai memenuhi kehendak parent aku yang nak sangat at least sorang anak dia sambung master..

bila dah sambung master ni, baru aku sedar yang jadi lecturer ni pun tak la bes mana, keje perah otak tu.. memang la gaji agak masyuk kan, tapi kadang2 aku cam penat berfikir, otak cam jammed sket.. kadang2 aku terpikir, boleh tak aku wat satu keje yang tak memeningkan kepala otak aku, tapi at the same time aku dapat duit cam gaji lecturer tiap2 bulan..

aku taknak wat MLM atau ape2 je yang sewaktu dengannya.. aku tak suka.. walaupun abah aku cuma mempengaruhi aku untuk join ads4bucks dia tapi aku tetap tak mau.. hahaha..

tapi bila aku start join wat part time untuk team photography time konvokesyen ni, baru aku sedar yang rupa2nya aku ade passion dalam bidang fotografi ni n aku tau bidang ni memang ade potensi yang sangat besar. tapi kenapa baru sekarang aku sedar sume ni ek? aku cam rasa seronok dapat belajar suatu skill yang baru, belajar benda yang tak wat aku boring..

kadang2 ada gak terpikir cam nak lompat bidang, bukan aku tak suka bidang aku sekarang, aku suka, cuma passion tu kurang sket.. aku pun tak pasti sejak bila aku minat ngan bidang design n photography ni, tapi ape yang aku tau aku tak boring wat benda ni, n aku tak kisah spend time lama2 wat benda yang aku suka..


Keputusan Peperiksaan Memasuki Perkhidmatan Awam Gred 41

erm hari ni baru kuar result peksa perkhidmatan awam gred 41.. pagi2 lagi aku gi check tapi tak kuar lagi, tengahari aku check pun lum lagi.. isk akhirnya kul 6 petang aku check baru kuar.. dari 4 position aku apply cuma 1 je lulus iaitu pegawai siasatan, yang lagi 3 sume gagal,uhuk..

takpela, better one than nothing kan, so aku tengah terpikir2 ni ape agaknye yang bakal ditanya time interview nanti? layak ke aku ni nak jadi pegawai siasatan? ermmm...

Monday, May 17, 2010

menghadapi jantan2 miang

cam siut je tajuk post kali ni kan.. tapi ni la hakikatnye..time aku tengah tulis post utk blog aku yg satu lagi.. aku chat la ngan dua org mamat nih.. sorang ni ok, cm bersopan santun la gak.. tapi mamat lagi sorang ni memang wat aku hangin satu badan!!
gatal nak mampus, ape dia ingat aku ni slut ke,huhuhu..

mula2 chat tu ok la lagi.. dia tanya nama sape, duk mana, blaja mn ade bf ke x..pastu tanya suke perfume ape.. pastu tanya ader webcam ke tak.. aku jawab ade tapi takmau bukak.. (aku tgh muke sememeh ngan baju kelawar ni, takkan nak webcam kut?).

tu kre takpe la lagi.. pastu boleh plak mamat ni cakap " i stim la u". aku dah bengang time tu, aku smash dia balik, aku cakap "ello, sy x layan benda2 cmni k". pastu dia mintak no fon aku plak.. aku tak bagi, pastu dia bg no fon dia, jgn harapla aku nak amik!!

pastu dia tnyala aku makan ape n aku jawab la roti telur.. bese la jantan kalo dah otak lucah kan, aku dah tak sanggup nak cerita kat sini, aku rasa korang pun tau ape akan dia cakap pastu kan..pastu aku marah la dia, aku cakap kalo dia start lagi cakap benda2 bukan2 camtu aku nak block dia.. pastu dia cakap suruh aku stay kat masjid plak.. pergh memang takde bakat utk dijadikan suami langsung jantan nih.

last2 aku cakap "ok fine!! awak cari jela ppn yang bleh layan STIM awk tu!

aku salah ke dia yang tak patut??

Sunday, May 16, 2010

keputusan peperiksaan gred 41

esok keputusan peperiksaan gred 41 akan diumumkan, takotnye!!! tak tau la aku akan lulus ke tak peksa ni, kalo tak lulus nampak sangat pengetahuan am aku sangat teruk.. yela mana tak teruknya, sampaikan soalan world cup tahun 2010 akan diadakan kat mana pun aku tak reti jawab, terpaksa tengok jawapan budak sebelah (budak lelaki, mesti dia tau kan). aku jawab afrika selatan, betul la kan,hahaha..

esok kalau aku bangun awal boleh la check result jap sebelum gi keje, tu pun kalo line tak busy, dah la line internet aku tengah slow sebab dah exceed volume quota. malam ni doa la banyak2 semoga aku lulus, teringin rasanya nak bergelar PTD atau pegawai siasatan SPRM,hik2..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

365 hari mencari cinta

ok hari ni saja gatal2 wat blog baru yg btajuk spt di atas, kunun2 nye nk mencari cinta la kan dalam masa 365 hari bermula hari ni.. agak2 boleh tercapai tak misi ni? hahaha..

tak salah kan? coz i'm still single and available.. (pergh promote status abes) and sukati aku la nak berkenalan ngan sesape pun, ahaks! kadang-kadang aku terpikir gak adakah aku terlalu desperate perlu kawen pd usia 25? rasanye tak pun (walaupun dh agak tertekan bila td ade 2 org tnya bila nak kawen.. tny soalan lain x bleh ke?)

tapi bila dipikirkan balik ok je idup single ni, aku xpayah pikir nak balik cpt2 sbb lum masak utk family, tak kisah nak keje overtime sbb takde anak nk diambik kat taska.. cuma agak boring tahap gaban la kan.. gi mana2 pun sorang2 je, kawan2 bkn takde tp diorang perlu dating gak,haha..

so ape yang aku dapat simpulkan ialah belum tiba masanye lagi.. tak guna kawin kalo tau akan bercerai nanti.. sedangkan awek comey cam nora danish n maya karin pun bercerai,isk2 comey cmtu pun kena cerai ape lg yang kurang comey cam aku ni? kadang2 ade org cakap xpayahla memilih sgt, terima je sesapa yg agak ok tuh..

tapi...sedangkan ikan di pasar pun kita pilih makcik.. takkan pasangan hidup main sambar gitu je??? aduhaii..
so kalo nak tau kisah selanjutnye pencarian aku selama 365 hari ni, follow ar blog ak yang lagi satu nih..

Friday, May 14, 2010

why i dont like watching movie on my first date

i really dont get it why some man like to ask a girl watching movie on a first date. it such a boring idea! last wednesday, one boy ask me dating with him, watching movie at IOI mall Puchong. at first, i dont want to. but then he keep asking and i say ok la, but how if we juz hang out or "makan2" je.. but he still want to watch movie.. (ok fine!)

then we met in front of GSC, he want to watch ironman 2 but i said no, it's late now and why dont we juz pick what-ever movie that start immediately? then i choose clash of titans and he also agree.. we went to the POPULAR besides the GSC bcoz the movie not started yet. then this guy pick up one magazine about motocycle and keep reading it.. i'm juz looking at him for a while and then go reading my favourite book. what a boring date!

ok the movie had started and we bought some popcorns and drinks and get inside. then we talking, knowing each other for 10 minutes. then, that's it. i'm focusing on the movie (actually focus on the handsome Perseus, haha) and he focusing on the popcorn. then the movie finished and we say goodbye each other.

ok, i admit i'm a silent gurl and do not talk much. asking me watching movie only keeping me more silence (we are not allowed to talk much during watching movie right, :p). especially if the hero is very cute or handsome, my concentration level on the movie will be higher, hik2..

so what actually i like to do on first date?? i don't know, it depends on my mood. but no movie plz..hehe

accident day

ni tmpat mat moto tu menghantukkan kepalanye kt cermin sblum tjatuh ke bawah..

rosak abes kete kena langgar ngan mat moto tuh..huhu

br je smlm hntr kete kt workshop, mau smgu gak kut baru siap.. yg tak besnye kna bayar 400 sbb masih lesen P, uhuk..

Monday, May 3, 2010

interview day,huhu

today i got interview with UiTM Sports Centre for post Sports Officer S41.. looking at the schedule..

1. fitness test or bleep test
2. writing test.. again???
3. interview

bleep test.. juz got level 4-2, quite ok for general population, but not ok for athlete. i need to re-join my aerobic class again!!!i'm exhausted....

writing test...
1. write your greatest strength..
2. what qualities do u expect for a person in a team..
amende nye nih?? i'm so tired of my bleep test and now they expecting me to write two essays!!OMG..

i feel like my brain jammed, stuck, no idea at all.. physical + mental exhausted!

interview.. describe ur self...discuss about football development in Malaysia, i hate this topic!!
can i juz say there's no hope for Malaysian Footballers??cruel, hahaha..

i finish my interview day at 3.30pm, drive to puchong and found out the house is locked, so drive to my mum's kindergarten.. park the car..

4.30pm-find a comfort place and sleep..zzzzz

6.45pm - wake up, take bath and rushing to tuition centre..

8.00pm - don't know what to teach, so my students, it's quiz time!:p

10.30pm - at home, eat tomyam, yummy!!

11.15pm - facebook-ing

12.00am - feel really tired, but still facebook-ing, check my email, blogging...

1.00am - still chatting with MBA (married but available).. name: secret :p

1.30am - i should sleep.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Manchester United and plain soup

erm this story is not about Manchester United, but drinks. Yesterday, along, angah and I went to one restaurant in Puchong Utama, nice decor and big and lot of people there. so i' assuming that the food also good. yes it is, certain food is nice but i'm bit upset about a drink named "Manchester United drink". the name is exciting but actually it is only a syrup and some cut fruits..sigh... this is the drink..

u want it?:p

that's the second time i went to that restaurant. 1st time i went there with my mum, father and erin. the food is ok, nice, taste good but what makes me laugh is when my father asked additional "sup kosong" or plain soup i guess. direct translation: empty soup,hehehe.. so this is the pic of that "sup kosong".

how? really 'plain@empty soup?'hahaha.. i thought this is 'handwash water'. so plain, empty with nothing inside even though a slice of onion, fried onion or mybe some 'grass' inside?:p

i want to rate this restaurant 5 stars, but because of these two things, i minus 2 stars,hik2..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

selamat tinggal pujaan..

tgh sdap2 wat asignmnt smbil tulis blog.. ttiba ak tdgr lagu ni kat tv3.. pergh mmg menusuk kalbu lg!!!ape pun ak tujukan la lagu ni wat bekas kekasih ku Ahmad Faisal bin Ismail... nape taip nama pnuh? saja je.. mn la tau satu hari nnt cucu aku akan tgk blog nenek dia nih...kalo boleh nk je ak upload gmbo dia kt sini.. tp xpela.. nnt mata aku sakit..

Penyanyi: S.Jibeng
Tajuk : Selamat Tinggal Pujaan

Selamat tinggal pujaan
Selamat kau berbahagia
Hidup di samping si dia
Kasih baru yang kau puja

Kini tibalah masanya
Ku tetap bermohon diri
Agar kau tak bercuriga
Pada ku kau lupa saja

( korus )
Tak guna bersedih
Tak guna kau kenang lagi
Biar ku bersendiri
Membawa perasaan hati

Selamat tinggal puspita
Selamat kau selamanya
Hanya satu yang ku pinta
Senyuman manis yang mesra

hari ni xtau nape...ak asik tdgr lagu yg seolah2 sdg memerli aku... tp xpela..bler dipikirkn balik.. why must i suffer? life must go on...
mungkin slps ni aku akan dapat yg jauh lebih baik...lbey hensem,ahaks!!

perasaan ku

dulu aku kau puja....
dulu aku kau sayang..
dulu aku sang juara...
yang selalu engkau puja...

kini roda telah berputar....

kini aku kau hina..
kini aku kau buang..
jauh dari hidupmu...
kini aku sengsara...

roda memang telah berputar...

mana janji manismu...
mencintaiku sampai mati...
kini engkau pun pergi...
saat ku terpuruk sendiri...

mana janji manismu...
setia sampai aku mati...
kini engkau pun pergi...
saat ku jatuh dan sndiri...

aku lah sang mantan....

ok, ni la lirik lagu yg sesuai sgt ngan jiwa ak skrg... memang menusuk jiwa dan raga btoi... kalo karaoke konfem tangkap nangis ni!

sedey...kecewa...sakit ati... benci...speechless.. rasa cm kna tikam... sume ade ar sng cite!!kna tipu idup2... selama ni ak tgk cite dlm drama je kisah bcinta ngan tunang org.. kekasih kawen ngan org laen...kna tggl bodo2 cmtu je...ak igt tu cuma drama, tp ble ia btul2 jadi kt ak...

oh bulan

kan melayani diriku lagi
air mata membasahi pipi
dan lagu2 di radio seolah2 memerli aku
kau bersama yg lain

ku enggan
berpura pura ku bahagia
ku enggan
melihat kau bersama si dia
aku akui cemburu
mula menular dalam diri
kau bersama yang lain....

biler org ckp...dh la, cr laen jela...

cakap mmg sng...kalo lah ia semudah itu...

kalo lah ak leh jd bionik, jd ingatan ak slama sthun stgh ni akan terpadam cmtu je...

ble blaja physiology, buku ckp

"heart is one of the strongest muscle in the body"

tipu.... if heart is the strongest muscle, why it is easily broken???


Monday, April 26, 2010


OK, for ur information, this is not my cat. i dont know where it from, why it here(at my home) and what it want from me. diz cat come to my house abt 8 am to 5 or 5.30pm (waa, office hour ma) almost EVERY DAY! and do nothing.. it juz sitting in my kitchen, sometimes living room n watch the rats playing. so lazy,haha!!

now i'm thinking to give diz cat a name, bcoz i juz call it 'Kucing!!!' or 'Meoww!!' or "Woiit",haha..
dunt know which one suitable..

anyone want to adopt diz cat? i like diz cat, but i dont want to adopt it as my cat bcoz i dont know how to! i dont want diz cat suffer bcoz get a terrible owner like me, hehe..

p/s: i'm not sure whether diz cat is normal or not, i never hear it say 'miau' .

USB cable

yes!! juz bought new USB cable, now i'm able to upload any pic from my hp, huhu
my old USB cable? dunt know where is it, mybe some rat eat it n die, haha

Sunday, April 25, 2010

extremely exhausted!!!

this week make me crazy and extremely exhausted!!huhu..

plan of diz week:

monday: submit OB exam paper, study nutrition
tuesday: exam nutrition, write another OB assignment
wednesday: submit that assignment, make correction on OB proposals
thursday: assist a fashion show
friday & saturday: correction on my dissertation and OB proposal again
sunday: research exam paper
sunday nite: karaoke with my classmates, haha!!!

dating: next two weeks :p

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

future planning

what a boring day.. actually i got a lot of assignment to do, but i'm not in the mood.. keep thinking of how to making money, find a good job and good husband, haha. i decided to find only part time job, coz i'm afraid i cannot give my full commitment on my study and work, huhu.. there are two main things in my mind now.

First: Build a kindergarten+daycare
this is not a joke. this is a very potential industries, parents don't mind spending a lot of money for their children, especially education. If possible, they want the 2-months baby go to school right now,haha.. Now my mom is running a day care. Fortunately, our day care keep expanding bcoz we are located at a very strategic location; near two schools. But the schools still in progress, maybe will open next year. then we receive a lot of request from parents to make learning packages/kindergarten for their children. so the first thing to do is go to Unit Pendidikan Swasta, Jab. Pelajaran Selangor and ask them the full procedure ,huhu.. i go next week, too much work on this week.

that the first thing a.k.a long term planning.. the 2nd thing is my short term planning.

Second: Find part time job. I running out of money now, huhu.. juz got one suggestion from one friend, write a novel. hahaha.. this is quite impossible.. why?bcoz i don't like to read novels, especially about love n live happily ever after, fantasies or 'jiwang2 karat'. really not interested. i dont think i have talent in writing, even this blog i 'm updating once a week:p writing article? erm still in consideration. then i realize that my only passion is teaching..i spending two years as a part time tutor during my when i saw a vacancy about tuition teacher in Putrajaya.. i called and meet the owner.. I'm accepted and will start teaching next week, haha.. simple job, but i like it.

about the novel.. i'm still considering it, it is a very good idea, bcoz i got many stories, experience in my mind right now, but i don't know how to convert it into a novel/articles etc.

so that's my future planning..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

two things made me upset today..

i'm a bit upset today.. about two things. first, i went to TA One Tower this evening 3pm bcoz someone called me said that he got my number from jobstreet and ask me to come to hear the briefing about job camp on last monday. i'm not really interested so i'm not going on that day. but then he called again and asked me to go and juz hear the briefing. then i said ok la, i'm going today(wondering what type of company that begging their job candidates to go for briefing). i asked what actually these program about? he said that u will be given training for two months and after that u are guaranteed to get a job with salary range abt RM1800++.. then i said ok, i'm going.

when i juz get there, one guys (he also the candidate) give me a form to fill up. then suddenly come a girls with beautiful feet (she wear short skirts, everyone notice it, dont think me lesbian ok, i'm straight, haha) give some briefing. erm actually this 2-months program is like professional diploma abt communication bla..bla..bla.. they will teach u english communication skills and wht so ever ( i dont remember it), with RM500 allowance a month. she said we are also guaranteed with a job after that. are u sure? then one girl ask whether we can choose the company? she said no, it is depend if the company got vacancy or not at that time..erm this statement made me curious, wondering if there is no job available at that time?huhu..

then the girl with the beautiful legs said if we are not interested, we can go home now, i'll give u 5 minute to think. after she said that, all the candidates takes their bags and go home.. thats the funny part, and the most funny part is when i'm looking at the girl's face,haha.

that the first thing that made me upset.. the 2nd things happen after that...

after leaving that place, i'm going to klcc (opposites with it) and changing my clothes and drink ribena. i sms my cayang said that i'm waiting him there (he juz working nearby klcc). what makes me upset is i'm still wondering that is he really likes me? is he interested with me? or maybe it is only my feeling? we met, eating together, sitting besides the pools and chatting. then i realize something, when we are talking, i'm looking at him all the time but he never looking at me, i mean eye contact. i dont know why but it makes me upset. it makes me feel that he is not interested with me, or mybe he want to hide something from me? when we want to go home, he juz saying bye2 and juz go without looking back. why dont at least he says something romantic that will make me feel happy and insist to see him again? or maybe he loves me but he dont know how to show it?

guys, when u love a woman, show your love, dont think that girl will understand what is inside your heart..

Monday, April 5, 2010

art of seduction

well these two months seems like i'm very tired being a good, shy girl and juz sit and see my boys taken from other gurls!! two my ex-boy is married now and the recent one (juz describe him as Z) juz treat me as his special friend or 'teman tapi mesra' bcoz i knew he still looking other woman although i'm dating with him almost everyday!huhu..

so the good girl is going bad now,haha.. not so bad la, juz being a bit naughty.. i dont know which part that i'm still lacking. mybe i'm not pretty, i know i'm overweight (but wait until next two month, i'm sure i'll lose atleast another 10kgs,haha). i'm not too short, juz need 6inch more to be a model :p 

erm then i do some post mortem (dasat tuh) with one of my friend and suprisingly found out that mybe i'm lack the skill of seducing? OMG is it true?haha it sound funny right? but honestly i admit mybe it is true.. i dont know what actually the man thinks? what do they want? so i googling and found this article. i summarize it for u ok..

do some makeover
if u not happy with urself, u'll have no/little confidence. makeover process mybe took a long period. i start makeover myself gradually since 2007. if u compare my previous picture with recent one, u'll see the differences. 5 years ago, i'm a fat girl, with oily face and acne, 'gigi berterabur' (i dont know wht it called in English), dark girl and etc.

so i try to remove all the acnes by using traditional maskers (guava leaves with rice flour) and in a week, all the acnes gone!! i use goat's milk scrub for my face and body almost a year until some of my friend said 'eh Nora u are very fair now!'haha...

for my teeth, i spend about RM2500 to make crown and bridge (dont ask me what the hell is that, ask ur dentist) and in juz 3 weeks, i become a new person. my confidence level is arise and i keep smiling and showing my teeth everytime someone taking my picture..:p

so the biggest problem i had now is only my weight, i still need to reduce atleast another 10kgs. 
i juz lose 10kgs in 10 weeks starting this february(that bcoz i'm depress my ex left me to marry his fiance) and now when i'm happy, i start gaining 2kgs again,haha.. so plz someone left me again so i can lose another 10kgs, kui2..

read his body language
how to know he is interested? read his body language bcoz his body signals are better indicators of how he feels about you than anything he may actually say verbally. Look for his eyes contact and trust your instincts. Look for his small gestures and tone of voice and you may find out what he feels towards you. but be careful bcoz some men are good playing with his gestures and face. he made u feel that u re the one for him but actually not bcoz he still play around with other girls - i called them 'sweet talker' or 'player'. this type of man dont like to marry or engaged or anything that will tie him. so if this 'player' asked u to marry him, better hire a private investigator,haha.. 

flirt,flirt and flirt..
the important part!!!
the meaning is keep him interested and aroused (oops!!)
dont ask me how to get him aroused, coz i dont know either but remember that men are highly dependent on your signals to reassure them that they are 'onto something' good. And ladies, playing hard-to-get isn't particularly attractive to men unless you're sending out enough signals to assure him that you are 'gettable' and that the chase will be worth it in the end. Don't be too obvious in showing your interest in a guy. Ignore every now and then. But don't be so cold that the guy loses interest in you. Giving him space would be a good option for both of you. ermm.. i learned the theory, but how to do that?haha... 

Smell Good
Make sure you smell good. Apply a nice perfume that is not too strong.  do not spray the perfume directly on yourself but spray it in front of you and immediately walk through the mist. This is to makes that the perfume is not concentrated on some places and you smell good overall.

(ok i want to but nice perfume now,haha)

ok enough for today, if i found some tips again i'll post it here and share with i'm trying to apply this theory and i'll tell u the results later, hahaha..

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ATM theft!!

I bought the Star this morning and found one interesting article from Lim Wey Yen about Alternative Theft Mechanisms. actually it is about automated teller machine (ATM), the place that we draw out money anytime (only if there are money in ur account, haha) and how the theft steal our money without we even realize it. OMG! the theft is very clever now and their modus operandi is very simple.

first: don't take any bank notes that scattered around your feet during withdrawing your money from ATM because it is only a way to distract you. the thief will ask you whether the money is yours or not.

then when you turns around or bend over to pick up the notes, the thief will quickly swap his card with another card. it depends on whether the thief successfully noting your PIN number as you keyed it earlier to make the withdrawal. then the thief are free to drain any accounts linked to the card they now possess.

the thief is not working alone because this work require at least two or three people. what i'm wondering now is how the thieves manage to swap the card too fast and have very good eyes to note the PIN number.

one of the victim said that he just realized that the card he was holding is not his after a week later. he doesn't suspect anything because after he bent down and picked up the notes, the card and money is still there.

other way is the thief insert a blocking device inside the card slot to trap your card in the machine. then appear a very good person offering to help you, asking you enter your PIN number few times while he keep noting your numbers.

so when the card is not appear, you will leave the machine, call bank and leave the thief with your card that he will extract later and your PIN number.

Scary right?these two ways are very tricky and dirty, and the worst thing is we don't or late realize it.

so how to protect ourselves?

1. keep minimal amount of money in the accounts that are linked to your ATM cards. (i juz have less than RM100 in my ATM card, it is not worth to steal it, :p)

2. don't link the saving account and current account with a single card. it may convenient to you, and make it easy for the thieves.

3. don't use common number for your PIN number like birth date, car license etc.

4. don't write your PIN number anywhere especially on your card! just memorize it.

5. always alert with your surroundings, don get distracted even for a seconds!

6. try to cover as much as you can when you entering your PIN number.

7. if your card is trapped, report it immediately and don't leave the machine.

8. don't give any details about your PIN number and card number. i had experienced it before, someone called me and said they are from xxx company and told me that i had won RM15000. then they ask my account number and the number stated at my ATM card. sorry, i'm not that stupid!

9. don't ever leave receipts at ATM, just destroy it when you don't need it. you may think there are no important info on this receipts, but you must remember that the thief is clever, maybe cleverer than you, huhu.

the Star, 28 March 2010
8 tips to protect yourself from ATM thefts by Audri and Jim Lanford

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lazy day

'Exercise program for geriatric population'

that's my title for tomorrow presentation and i'm still doing nothing right now..juz YM with my cayang, find business opportunity, eat 'roti telur' and watch my nephew kicking ball. he only 3 years old but he kicks better than his 9 year old 'kaki bangku' brother,huhu.

ok, now is 12.21pm and i still not shower yet,haha! today is my lazy lazy day and i dont want to go out at all. working and study at the same time make me feel very fatigue, tired and dizzy. last night i had some discussion with my cayang n he advise me to quit working n focus my study for this time. i agree with him but i still want to find some part time, flexible, less tired job to pay my cute kelisa and mxs broadband every month, huhu.. lot of things that cross my mind..

1. be a part time kindergarten teacher at my mum's place.
2. setup office cleaning services
3. sell lingerie / bust firming cream (my cousins' crazy idea)
4. sell home made soap

ok want to stop typing now because i'm so hot and really need to shower,huhu..